Affinity Massage Therapy
Hands-on healthcare
Billing and Fees
Billing and Fees
Many Extended Health Plans cover the services of a Registered Massage Therapist. Please call your provider to confirm that your specific plan permits third party billing, assignment of payment to a third party, if you have a deductible and/or co-pay, your yearly coverage amount, and if you need a doctor's referral.
Direct billing is available to the following extended health providers: Alberta Blue Cross, BPA, Canada Life, Canadian Construction Workers Union, Chamber of Commerce, CINUP, Claim Secure, Coughlin & Associates, Cowan, D.A. Townley, Desjardins Insurance, First Canadian, Green Shield, GMS Carrier 49, GMS Carrier 50, GroupHEALTH, GroupSource, Industrial Alliance, Johnson Inc., Johnston Group, LiUNA Local 183, LiUNA Local 506, Manion, Manulife Financial, Maximum Benefit, MSP, Pacific Blue Cross, People Corporation, RCMP, RWAM Insurance Administrators, Sunlife, TELUS AdjudiCare, Union Benefits, UV Insurance.
Please note: MSP only pays $23 of the overall fee and clients are still responsible for the remainder.
Worksafe claims are accepted. However, we not direct bill to them. All clients are responsible for full payment at the time of treatment and will be given a receipt to submit to Worksafe for reimbursement.
Payment is accepted via debit, etransfer, Visa/Mastercard, cash or cheque.

Please note: GST is not included in the fees listed.
30 minutes: $70
Often adequate for the treatment of one, or perhaps two, areas.
Recommended for follow-up treatments only.
45 minutes: $100
The average treatment time and is often adequate for the treatment of two, or perhaps three, areas. Minimum recommended time for a first visit.
60 minutes: $125
Often adequate for the treatment of three or more areas. A general relaxation massage can often be performed in this time.
90 minutes: $165
Often more than sufficient for the treatment of multiple injured areas or a general relaxation massage.
Gift certificates available.